Thursday, November 22, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007


The following posts are a series of images representing the inspiration and realization of a large colored drawing I've been working on. The photographs were taken from Roussillon - a small village in the south of France which is situated in the heart of one of the biggest ochre deposits in the world. I was particularly fascinated with two things about the ochre quarries: the red, yellow and brown shades of earth that formed a striking contrast with the green pine trees and the vivid blue of the Provençal sky and the multiple layers of cliffs that produced some wonderful lines throughout the rock formations.

I used these photographs (along with a piece of bark that I broke off one of the trees) as inspiration to create a colored line drawing without using any white or black. (As opposed to the previous line drawing that I posted using only black and white).


Pastels on Coventry Rag Paper (40x50)

Friday, November 9, 2007

Yearbook Lady Logo/Business Card Design

Two different variations of a business card that I did for a yearbook representative from Herff Jones

Thursday, November 8, 2007


The following posts is a project I've been working on for the past few weeks. It is a collection images of things that I am interested in. There are 110 cards total, all on 5x7 sheets of paper, using a variety of different printmaking and drawing techniques, gathered together in a ladder-slipcase box. The concept of the project was to create a personal image bank to show the way in which I think, create, etc. Thanks to all of you who helped contribute to the "Memories: Tell me a story" part of the project.


Associations: Music

Collaged magazine clipings, Pen Drawing w/Sharpie, & Voice Box w/pull tab that plays music
5 cards (5x7)

Memories: Tell Me a Story

Drypoint w/chine cole & Inkjet print
23 cards (5x7)

Life Drawings: Trees

Charcoal Drawings
10 cards (5x7)

Letterforms: Organic Lines

Inkjet print
10 cards (5x7)

Sociology: False Fronts

Inkjet print: Glossy Photo Paper & Vellum
10 cards (5x7)

Architecture: Gothic Cathedrals

Plate Lithography
10 cards (5x7)

Inspiration: Music

Silkscreen, Pastels, & Inkjet print
20 cards (5x7)

Travel: Places I've Been

Silkscreen & Inkjet print
10 cards (5x7)

Inspiration: Quotes

Letterpress - Hand set type
10 cards (5x7)

"Something Beautiful"

Melted Plexi-Glass


Pen Drawing - Sharpie Extra-fine Point (40x50)

"Tell me who I am"

Pronto Plate Lithography (15x22)
Edition size: 10

"Everything & Nothing"

Stone Lithography & Silk Screen (5x5)
Edition size: 25

Sunday, October 28, 2007

here's the story...

I have recently had many inquiries about what I've been doing lately...with my new life in Philly, Grad school, etc. So I've decided to make a blog posting my most recent work and new life, comments are most certainly welcome! My hope is to eventually develop a more professional website to display my work; this has been a hope for quite a while now, so who knows if it will actually develop, but until that day comes...this is where you can come to see what type of projects I'm working on. I will try to keep it updated as often as I can...but no promises. Thanks to all of you who have encouraged me and taken an interest in what I've been up to. Much love!

more later...