During my first semester at UArts we were required to take a creative writing course. Each class we were given a writing assignment, which we were then allowed to take home, work on , refine, and be prepared to read aloud during the next class. There were 9 of us in the class plus our professor, we each selected a collection of our writings that we liked, edited them, and made a collaborative book - "Goons"
Each semester we're also enrolled in a bookbinding class, last semester we learned how to do a traditional case bound book, that was to contain our writings. Shown here is my book, complete with dual-color headband and gold-foil stamping for both the spine and cover logo. Below you can also see a couple of the writings that I submitted for the collection.

Aloneon the stoop
she crouches
in her woo-
len sweater that
is pressed against
her rib cage
as she inhales
the cigarette
that dulls her
In TimesI write in times when conversation seems inadequate.
In times of frustration, and isolation.
I write in times when I’m surrounded by people,
their headphones plugged in, turning a deaf ear
to the world around them. I write in times when
the calendar marks moments instead of months –
schedules and appointments measure the time.
I write in times when my sketchbook is full and
my pen runs out of ink. I write on my laptop,
whose font names have forgotten their newspaper origin,
being cloned and reproduced to suit technology.
I write in Times.
Jell-OI see you there
stuck in your mold
a flavorful delight
waiting to be unleashed
As I shake up your world
with a jostle
and a wobble
you are set free
And there it is
your sexy little jiggle
that swindles my taste buds
and seduces my appetite
I wrap my lips around your flavor
as you dance
upon my tongue
and I am delighted
With sinuous swallows
of fruit flavored jewels
as you wiggle your way
into my heart
To Be So Bold
He was a dear with his handful of roses, though what I like
is the fearlessness of the Forsythia
leading the surge for the onset of Spring, with the
audacity to blossom before any of the others, and to be
so bold as to vanish without warning
as the parade marches on with clouds of pollen
that scatter white specks of confetti in the back yard
It may not be a confession of love
or an official notice of death
all I know is that it’s the dog
straining at the end of the leash
that sets the day against the dawn
As I Fumblein the dark
for my glasses
I turn
on the light
and realize
everything is
as I left it
when I
went to bed
the kitchen sink
with dishes