Behind the Statue of St. Peter:
A Facetious Fable on the Fictitous Hope of the Future
Here is a quick preview of some sketches I did for my latest book. It's macabre story of a can-do town that just may not; inspired by the illustration and story-telling style of Edward Gorey. Behind the Statue of St. Peter takes a satirical look at a group of people with such a loss of hope that they’ve turned self-destructive and cannibalistic.
"First it was Larry who drove off the mountain,
then little Sally-Mae who drowned in the fountain."
Will the Mayor of Port Grimswater be able to convince the townspeople that their troubles and misfortunes are all in their head? Or will the rest of the town throw in the towel and also end up dead? You'll have to read it to find out, either way it's sure to be a killer ending (no pun intended) ;)
Within the next couple of weeks I'll be printing this book in the Borrowsky Center for Publication Arts at the University of the Arts, in Philadelphia PA. I'll end up with an edition of 100, printed and bound by mid-December. I'm working on developing an Etsy site so people can actually buy these lovely things that I'm making, instead of having them stowed up in my studio where noone ever sees them. It will be up and running shortly, I will keep you updated. :)
(click to enlarge images)
more images to come once book has been printed
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