The concept for the design was inspired by the ideals represented by "Lady Justice" - or the moral force that underlies the legal system. It was also expressed that the design should have a more contemporary and trendy look, so rather than go with the traditional blindfold/sword/scale representation of "Lady Justice", I went with the symbol of the torch and flame. The torch is a common emblem of both enlightenment and hope, and is known to signify truth, knowledge, and purity – all things that this new firm hopes to signify. I played around with taking the period out at the end, but ultimately decided to keep it as I felt it drove home their concept of just being a Just consulting firm.
Above is the final design they chose to go with, below were some of their other options.

The current deadness of my blog will hopefully not persist for too much longer. I'm working on a major (and by major I mean, much more work than I anticipated) project for my Thesis exhibition. I'll be posting more on that later, after I get over a few more hurdles...and flip out because it's already mid-term. oye.
cool can't wait to see.
- J
Solid design.
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